Dance Video and Teaching:
Dance Video and Teaching:
Teaching Video:
Dance Video
Dance Video
Dance Performance
Video for Teaching:
Video for Teaching:
Teach and Dance Video
Dance Video:
Instructional Video:
Yassu Hachayim (Tuvia Tishler-Shaul Tzerlin)
Example Dance:
Example Dance:
Teach and Dance Video
Video for Teaching:
Dance Video
Another Dance Video
Dance Video
Teaching Video 2nd option
Another version
Sonata song Hebrew words
Part 1
Bar 1: Sway to the R on the R (1), Sway to the L on the L (2) Sway to the R on the R (3), lift on R, extending free L foot to the L (4)
Bar 2: Step L behind R (1) Step R to R (2), cross L over R, arms come up (3), Step back on R arms come down (4)
Bar 3: Sway to the L on the L (1), step to the R on the R turning CW (pull R shoulder back) 1/2 way to face out (2) Step L to L (3), lift on L extending R free foot to the R (4)
Bar 4: Step R behind L (1) step L to L (2), cross R over L, arms come up (4), step back on L arms come down (4)
Bar 5: Sway R to the R (1), Step on L to the L (in LOD), turning CCW (pull L shoulder back) 1/2 way to face in again (2) Step R to R (3), lift on R, extending L free foot to the L (4)
Bar 6: Step L behind R (1) Step R to R (2), cross L over R, arms come up (3), Step back on R arms come down (4)
Bar 7: Step L to L (1), Cross R over L (2), Step L to L (3), lift on L, extending R to R (4)
Bar 8: Step R behind L (1), Step L to L (2), Step R in front of L (3), step back on L in place (4)
Bar 9: Step R to R, in LOD (1), cross L over R (2), Step R to R (3) Step L behind R (4)
Bar 10: Turn a full CW turn to the R, with 4 steps R (1), L (2), R (3), L (4).
Bars 11-20: repeat bars 1-10, except on bar 20 only do a 3/4 turn so that you end facing CW.
Part 2:
Bar 1: facing RLOD (CCW), Step R to R turning a 1/2 to face LOD (1), Step L to L (2) Step R behind L (3), step on L to L turning 1/2 to face RLOD (4)
Bar 2: Step R to R (1), step on L behind R (2) Sway to the R into the center, right arm goes into center (3), Sway onto the L out of the circle (4).
Bar 3: facing RLOD Step R in front of L (1), Step L to L (2), Step R behind L (3) Step on L turning to face out (4)
Bar 4: facing out, rock out of center with R, arms come up (1), Rock back on L, arms come down (2), step R to R turning a 1/2, pulling R shoulder back to face in (3), Step L to L (4)
Bar 5: Step R behind L (1) step L to L (2), cross R over L, arms come up (4), step back on L arms come down (4)
Bar 6: Step R to R (1) step L in front (2) Step R to R (2) step L behind R (4)
Bar 7: Step R to R (1) cross L over R arms come up and down in front (2), Step back on R in place, arms swing back(3), lift on R, extending L to side, arms back to V position (4)
Bar 8: Step L behind R (1), Step R to R turning 1/4 to the L to face RLOD (2), Cross L over R (3) pause (4)
Bars 9-16: repeat bars 1-8, except end facing center
repeat whole dance,
then repeat part 1, bars 1-10
then repeat part 2, bar 1-5, end with arms up.
Teach and Dance Video
Video for Teaching:
Instructional Video
Dance Video:
Video for Teaching:
Dance Demo with some instruction